Dishonest Milkman


There was was a milkman who lived in a tiny town. He had a huge appetite. To get to the city, where the milkman used to mix river water into the milk and sell it to his customers while making a good profit, he had to cross a river every day.

He grew incredibly affluent as the days went by. To commemorate his son's wedding, he gathered information from all of his clients one day. He bought new clothes and numerous gold ornaments after amassing all the money.

All of his new clothing and accessories sank into the river while he was returning home and crossing a river in a boat that hit a rock and turned upside down.

He broke down in tears because he was so angry. The milkman was surprised to hear a voice coming from the river. The milkman realised his error and was advised not to cry because whatever you have lost is what you had gained by defrauding your clients.

The  moral of the story is:

Honesty Is The Best Policy

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