Find : X to the power of Y or (X^Y)

X to the power of Y

In this page you can calculate the Power or Exponent of a Base.

POWER or Exponent in Math: How many times you should multiply a number depends on its power. Exponents and indices are other names for powers. For instance, 82 may also be referred to as "8 to the power 2," "8 to the second power," or just "8 squared." You only have the number itself if the index is 1. For instance, 51 Equals 5 If the index is 0, you will receive 1. For instance, 50 = 1 Exponents facilitate the writing and usage of several multiplications. How many times to divide one by the number is indicated by a negative exponent. As an example, 5-1 = 1/5 = 0.2

Enter the Base Number:         

Enter the Exponent Number:

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