Sinbad The Sailor


A wealthy businessman named Sinbad formerly resided in the city of Baghdad. He was famously known as Sinbad the sailor. He loved to travel and so Sinbad joined a patch of merchants and sailed with them to a far away land.

Days went by, and finally, the ship was destroyed when they were caught in a terrible storm. The two merchants and Sinbad were saved. I am afraid this is a giant's land. what? yes and one-eyed giant lives here eats the animals or humans.

Let's seek refuge in that cave, he says, whatever you are. Suddenly they heard a noise a black fearful giant came he was tall as a palm tree and had only one eye in the centre of his forehead and was so terrifying that the guys couldn't do anything.

He grabbed up the merchant. who was the fattest and went away we should do something or we will also die. I can come along with you they both followed the giant. He came to a place and stopped the giant ate the man and went off to sleep.

Sinbad and Akin explode the this place the famous diamond valley earlier merchants used to come here to take these gems but now because of this giant no one dares to come here the giant was in a deep sleep suddenly they heard a noise there appeared a man dressed in rags. He got scared on seeing Sinbad and Akim and says "don't be afraid we will not harm you and how did you happen to be on this island". 

Last night we were shipwrecked and we landed here by the way who are you four years back I came to this island looking for diamonds and this giant has got me as his prisoner now how do we get rid of this monster there is only one way look at this cave. Inside you will find a sword you will have to get it.

Only with that sword you can kill the giant. We will go immediately you cannot take the sword easily it's guarded by a ferocious snake. I'll look after it. When Sinbad entered, he discovered a large snake laying there.

Sinbad took out his sword and killed it before even the snake could get up he took the sword and came out the giant was snoring loudly and sleeping Sinbad went close and jabbed the sword into the giant's eye it rode in pain and died hoorah we are saved. We have to find a way out let's go to the show there was plenty of wood available near the show site.

Everyone worked together and made small rafts. Once it was ready they all took the gems and set sail. After a few days at sea they spotted a ship passing by look there's a ship.

The ship came near and took them. Finally they returned to Baghdad. Sinbad returned home, where he and his wife were delighted.

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