The Bundle Of Sticks


Once there was a small family where lived a father and his three sons. His three sons used to fight amongst each other whenever the father saw them fighting

He used to become very worried one day the father got an idea he decided to call a meeting.

He called all his sons and gave them a bundle of sticks in their hands the father asked the children to break the bundle of sticks all the children tried really hard but they could not succeed they failed in breaking the bundle of sticks next the father opened the bundle of sticks and gave each child a single stick and asked the child to break the stick each and every child tried and could easily break the stick.

The father explained to the sons that son if you always remain together like the bundle of sticks you will always remain strong and no one will be able to break you but if you stay separated or single then anyone can easily break you on this.

The children understood their mistake and promised to the father that they will always stay united.

The moral of the story is:

Unity Is Strength

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