The Milkmaid And Her Dreams

A milkmaid had a long-held ambition to become affluent. She was lost in her own world one day as she prepared to deliver milk to her clients while carrying a pot full of milk on her head. "After I sell this milk, I'll purchase hens with the money, the hens will lay eggs soon, and it'll increase into a large number of hens, and then I'll create a poultry farm, and the thriving business will make me rich," she reasoned.

Many handsome young men will approach me and profess their want to marry me, but I will turn down everyone who is engrossed in her imaginary world.

The milkmaid truly tossed her head fiercely to say no, and the pot of milk slid down from her, and the milk went out, as did her wonderful dream worlds.

Moral of the story is: 

It Is Always Better To Live In Reality

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