The Two Friends And The Bear


Tom and Spike were two wonderful friends who spent a lot of time together. One day, they were travelling through a forest near their town when they noticed a bear approaching them. Someone understood climbing, so he swiftly climbed up a big tree to safety. Spike didn't care about Tom since he didn't know how to climb the tree. 

Tom stood there helpless for a few moments when an idea flashed through his mind. He had heard that wild animals did not touch the dead body. So Tom applied his wisdom and lay down on the ground as if he were dead. 

When the bear arrived, he sniffed Tom's face and considered him dead. The bear did not touch drama and continued on his way. After some time, Spike climbed down from the tree and asked Tom, "What did the bear say in your ears when you were lying.

Moral of the story is:

Keep Away From Opportunists.

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