Four Friends


In a village there were four friends first person was a carpenter the second one was a weaver third one was a bangle vendor and the fourth a pundit. Once rain failed for a season So they were famine. 

Everyone suffered due to famine. One day four friends gathered and discussed about searching for a job in the next village. As everyone accepted they left their village. The very next day they had to walk for a long distance and had to cross a forest while crossing the forest the night began to fall.

So they decided to spend the night in the forest and continue their journey. Next morning they decided to take a turn to guard while others were in sleep first it was the carpenter's turn.

Since he had to keep himself awake he took a piece of wood and started to make a doll he finished the doll and it was time for the next person to take the turn carpenter went to sleep and we were got up the weaver was surprised to see the doll he thought that it would be really beautiful if she had clothes and started weaving some clothes for her now it was the turn for the bangle vender he woke up and saw the doll with the dress and stood still he thought that Bengal,  Cindur and Mangal sutra will make this doll even more beautiful and dressed her with all the three he made.

The panda to wake up and went to sleep pandit who got up was taken back by the beauty of the doll thinking that it will be complete only if this had life he started reciting the mantras oh what a miracle lightning flashed a beautiful girl stood there.

Everyone got up because of the sound. Everyone was surprised suddenly everyone wished to marry her and started fighting. The girl who was watching all this said stop close your eyes and worship an angel will appear she will be able to solve all this everyone closed their eyes and prayed an angel appeared.

She learnt everything she asked everyone answer my questions all the four accepted first she questioned the carpenter a person who creates will be the father do you accept this he accepted next she asked the waiver you gave her the dress.

So you become her brother isn't he also accepted when the angel was about to ask the bangle vendor pundit asked the angel that the girl then belongs to the person who gave life for that angel answered the person who gave life that changed the doll to a girl is a guru he too accepted

In that case person who applied sindoor, bangle and time mangalsutra will be her husband saying this angel disappeared. Everyone accepted the angel's verdict and then the bangle vender married the girl.

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