Magic Seeds

Long long ago in a village called Nano there lived a poor woman with her son Raju they had a cow which was the only property they earned their living by selling the cow's milk.

One day Rajas mother called him and said our cow has stopped giving milk as it grew old how are we going to survive mother. I have an idea let's sell this cow and with that money we'll start a small business. His mother accepted and he set out to market to sell his cow though he travelled whole day no one was ready to buy the cow.

He was worried. On his way back to home he met an old man he accepted to buy the cow but instead of money he gave five magic Seeds and said my son these are not ordinary seeds these are magic ones sowed the seeds in the night and say these magic words. 

Poor seed may grow to heaven next morning you can see a tall tree that will touch the sky if you use this in a proper way you will become a rich man. Roger returned home would happy heart and narrated everything to his mother and showed the magic seeds his mother went to sleep thinking that Raju had made a foolish bargain Raju before going to bed went to the garden at the backyard sow the seeds and watered it then he said the magic words horse Eve's may grow to heaven and went to sleep.

Early in the morning before anyone could wake up Roger went to the garden to see the sowed seeds when he saw he could not believe his eyes the plant has grown up to the skies as per the old man's word immediately he started plumbing the plant clouds passed him from the top when he saw his house it seemed wearing tiny.

After climbing for a long time he reached the sky there he saw big banners he entered the palace and went to each and every room but he could not see anyone suddenly there was a bright light a fairy appeared from the light she enquired about Raju and said this palace belongs to a cruel child he will swallow you if he sees you.

So leave this palace. Raju said I'm a poor and only son to my mother and I have to take care of her please show me the way out of this palace it's time for the giant to come here hide yourself somewhere. After he's fast asleep crawl under his bed and you'll find a bag. Take the bag and go to your home immediately just then they heard the footsteps of the Giant.

Raju quickly ran and hid himself in a box the ferry also disappeared the giant gain Roger then came out when the giant was fast asleep he slowly crawled under the bed he took a bag which was filled with gold coins. Immediately he came out and climbed down the plant and reached his home he narrated everything to his mother and showed the bag filled with gold coins she was very happy when she saw her son safe home. Roger Hanna's mother lived happily ever after that day.
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