Fox And The Monkey

Once upon a time there was a jungle full of animals amongst all the animals there was a monkey. All the animals decided to have a meeting and decide the ruler of the jungle. All the animals asked the monkey to dance the monkey jumped danced sang and entertained everyone.

All the animals loved his dance and even they started dancing all the animals were very happy and therefore they crowned the monkey the king.

The fox was also present there he did not vote for the monkey and therefore he was very angry and he decided that the monkey was not a good king. One day the fox was walking in the jungle suddenly he came across a trap.

On that trap was a piece of  bananas he got an idea he ran to the monkey king and said "sir sir I have a treasure for you and I haven't touched it because it belongs to you my majesty".

The monkey became very greedy he followed the fox to the trap and the bananas when he saw the bananas he got excited and he jumped to take the bananas and he got stuck in the trap.

The fox saw this and he started laughing. He told the monkey "you cannot become our king because a king should be able to take care of himself as well as all the others if you cannot take care of yourself how will you take care of all of us".

The fox ran to all the animals and told them about this soon all the animals realized that a true king should have all the leadership qualities not only the entertaining qualities and therefore another meeting was held and lion was made the king. 

The moral of the story is:

To Become A Good Leader You Should Have All The Qualities


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