The Man And The Cat


One day an old man was walking by the road suddenly he saw a cat stuck inside a hole. The cat was very scared and was trying to come out of the hole.

So the old man put his hand forward to help the cat the cat got very scared and out of fear cat scratched the old man's hand. The old man pulled his hand back out of pain but the old man did not give up He kept on helping the cat but the cat kept on scratching his hand. 

Another man was passing by and he saw this. He told the old man why are you trying to help the cat when she is hurting you again and again. On this the old man said "I am doing my work and the cat is doing hers my work is to help the cat and the cat's work is to protect herself".

The old man did not give up he kept on helping the cat again and again and finally the cat came out of the hole and she was very happy.

The moral of the story is:

Sometimes We Might Face Difficulties While Helping Others But We Must Help Them

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