Golden Touch


Once there was a king named Midas. He was very rich. He had so many palaces and a large kingdom but he was very unhappy.

One day he was praying to god and suddenly god appeared. King Midas asked god "oh god please grant me a boon whatever I touch should turn into gold". God was happy he said your wish is granted.

king Midas was very happy. King Midas touched his throne and that turned into gold he touched the chairs, the tables, the vases.

He touched everything and everything turned into gold king Midas was very happy he thought he was the richest man in the world and suddenly king Midas touched his dinner.

He saw that all the fruits and all the food turned into gold. Midas was astonished he thought that he won't be able to drink or eat anything suddenly his daughter came running to meet her father and when the father put his arms around his daughter.

What did he see?

 He was shocked. He saw that his daughter also turned into a statue of gold oh no no oh please I do not want any more gold I want my dear daughter back I beg of you god please please take away your boon. Please I want my dear daughter back and suddenly god appeared. God declared, "This is miraculous water; sprinkle it over everything that has changed to gold, and it will return to its original state."

king Midas was very happy he sprinkled the magical water on everything that turned into gold suddenly he realized that everything came back to its original form he got back his dear daughter king Midas was very happy.

The moral of the story is:

 Do Not Be Greedy

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