

Once upon a time there lived a couple they did not have any child and longed to have one next to them was a beautiful garden and that garden lived a witch. One day nil as a sign she would have a baby the same day she saw some Rapunzel letters growing in the witch's garden it looks so green and fresh john I must have some of that lettuce john loved his wife very much he did not want to disappoint her.

So he risked picking some of the letters for her but when he had plucked the flower he saw the witch standing before him how did you steal my Rapunzel you will pay dearly for this John explained about his wife Sanga for the letters he also told her that they were going to have a baby soon.

Please have mercy on me very well take all the letters you like but when the baby is born it will be mine. John was so scared that he agreed Nell ate Rapunzel letters daily after some days a beautiful little girl was born.

The next day Elga came to claim the child as a woman. The child belongs to me true to his word John sadly let the witch take the child away the old witch named her Rapunzel.

Rapunzel grew into the most beautiful child when twelve years old. In a tower, Elga shutter Elga would call Rapunzel Robinson, "Let down your hair no," Everytime she wanted to enter because Rapunzel was in a forest and had neither stairs nor an entrance.

She let her ear fall down when she heard Rapunzel's voice, but Elga snatched up the strands and climbed the side of the tower where she remained with Rapunzel. Rapunzel had gorgeous long hair that was fine and spun gold. only a short time bringing food and water after Rapunzel had been in the tower for a long long time and some parents came riding through the forest suddenly you heard a beautiful voice singing from the tower.

When he got closer the singing stopped and the harsh voice called Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your hair the prince was amazed to see the beautiful long air and the ugly witch climbing up it he wanted to see the girl to whom the voice belonged he waited for the witch to get down Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your hair immediately the hair fell down and the prince climbed up.

At first Rapunzel was terribly frightened to see a man but the prince began to talk to her quite like a friend sing for me Rapunzel was so happy that after then, the prince climbed the tower to visit Rapunzel, and every day she sang for him, sweeter than ever before.

He fell in love with her and asked her to marry him oh yes I will oh will I take you down I do not know how to get down but you can bring with you a scale of silk every time that you come and I will weave a ladder with it and when that is ready I will come down and you can take me on your horse they agreed that until that time you should come to her every evening for the old witch came by day.

One day Elga arrived at the tower earlier than usual as she came near she saw Rapunzel tell the friends goodbye she watched him climb down from the tower on the golden air someone has tricked me immediately she worked out a plan.

Next day she clutched Rapunzel's beautiful hair and snip snapped they were cut off next evening when the prince came and cried the hair was laid down but when the prince came up instead of finding his dearest supplement cell we found the witch ah there you are you will never see Rapunzel again in your life I am going to kill you my dear.

Elga started laughing loudly but the prince was very brave he took out his sword and before the witch could realize he killed her.

The prince and Rapunzel came down the tower through the same braids of air hooked on the window soon after the prince and Rapunzel were married in a splendid ceremony they took Rapunzel's parents with them to live in the king's castle far far away and they all lived happily thereafter.

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