Hansel & Gretel

In a thick forest lived a poor woodcutter with his two children the boy was called Hansel and the girl Gretel they were so poor that they had nothing to eat. So the children's stepmother decided to leave them in the forest that night.

Tomorrow we will leave your children in the forest we can at least have food for us I cannot do that if you don't all of us will die. Soon the children heard what the parents were talking.

So Hansel worked out a plan he went outside and brought in some white pebbles in his hand when they dawned the father took them to the forest Hansel took out pebbles from his pocket and started throwing it down children stay here.

I will cut some wood I will come back and take you. Hansel and Gretel fell fast asleep at last when they woke up it was already dark and when the full moon address in Hansel took his little sister and followed the pebbles which shown like newly coined silver pieces and showed them the way they walked the whole night long and came to their house the father was so happy to see his children come back. 

Though the stepmother was not. After a few days this time take them into deep forest and they will never find the way back Hansel again wanted to go out and pick up the pebbles as he had done before but the women had locked the door and so he could not go out.

Next day they all set out to the forest. On the way Hansel crumbled his bread into his pocket and threw morsels on the ground they came to a place where they had never been in their lives before sit there in the evening I will take you when it was known they fell asleep an evening passed but no one came to the poor children they did not wake up until it was dark and the moon was shining don't worry glitter we can find a way out when they set out they found no crumbs for the birds in the woods and picked them all up they walked through the forest they were very hungry and so weary suddenly they got a delicious baking smell.

They followed it until they reached a little house the house was built of bread and covered with cakes and the windows were of clear sugar the children were very happy when they started nibbling at the food the door opened suddenly and the woman came creeping out oh you dear children come in she let them into a little house.

Then good food was set before them and after food they went to sleep little did they know she was in reality a wicked witch who lay in wait for children and add only built house of bread in order to bring them there when a child fell into her power she killed him next day when Gretel woke up she was alone get up lazy thing cook something good for your brother.

He is to be made fat when he is fat I will eat him where is my brother ha I have locked him in the down room I should do something to save my brother she came to the room where Hansel was kept Hansel take this bone show this to the witch every time she asks you to show your finger so every morning the witch went to the stable and made Hansel stretch out his finger.

Hansel our stretched out the little bone to her and the old witch who had dim eyes could not see it and thought it was Hansel's finger days passed by and the witch became impatient.

One day I am going to cook him I have already heated the oven creeping and see if it is properly heated oh I'm so sorry I do not know how am to do it please show me silly goose the door is big enough just look.

I can get in myself and the witch crept up and thrust her head into the oven then Gretel gave her a push that shut the iron door and the witch was death Gretel  ran to answer this little Hansel we are saved old witch dead they went into the witch's room they stood chest full of pearls and jewels they took whatever could be gotten and set off to get out of the forest the forest seemed to be more and more familiar to them and at length they saw from a far their father's house.

Then they began to run rushed into their house and threw themselves around their father's neck oh my children I miss you so much we too miss you father the children gave the precious stones the father was so delighted and they lived happily together.

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