The Two Crows


Two crows once Boomer and the Goalie got into a battle to demonstrate their supremacy, and now that I'm Elda, I feel even more superior to you. 

They decided to compete by flying while holding a sack between their beaks; the bird that soars the highest wins.

Goalie flew higher than Woody because he was carrying less weight, but Boomer could not fly higher than Goalie because of the strong wind. 

As the crows were flying, it began to rain, which made the cotton balls heavier as they became wet. Goalie was a mean crow, so he put salt in Polo's bag and his own bag with cotton balls.

However, the Boomer's backs became very light as a result of the salt dissolving, and Boomer started soaring higher than Goalie. Thus Boomer who won the challenge.

Moral of the story is:

Cheaters Will Always Be Losers

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