The Beauty & The Beast


In a far away country lived a poor merchant with his three lovely daughters bliss blossom and beauty. The merchant loved his daughters but his favorite was beauty. 

One day the merchant went on a long journey to the next country he promised to bring back gifts for his daughters bliss and blossom wanted party gowns and fine jewels what would you like beauty a rose father just a lovely red rose when the merchant reached the next country he made good money he bought everything his two daughters had asked for but he could not find a red rose he wrote sadly womb suddenly a storm blew up and in the distance he saw a palace and went inside it.

He could not find anyone but he found a wonderful meal and a soft warm bed he fell asleep. Next day morning as he was exploring the palace he saw a lovely rose bush he broke the stem of a flower and a youth beast appeared before him you thief how dare you touch my roses for this I must put you in the dungeon oh no please monster sir forgive me.

I took this for my daughter let me visit my daughters for the last time touched by the merchant's love for his family the beast let him go you may go now but should come back and accept my punishment here take this ring and it will take you home the merchant came home and told his daughters what had happened the next day he had to live back to the base palace must you go father we will miss you at night when all were asleep beauty took the magic ring and used it to carry her to the beast palace. 

Who are you it was my father who plucked a rose from your garden he did it for me so I should be the one to take up the punishment the beast agreed he gave beauty beautiful clothes delicious meals fresh flowers from the garden they dined together and spent many hours talking the beast fell in love with beauty but he was ashamed to tell it out because of his ugly appearance in time beauty also started loving the beast for his kindness but she also missed her father and sisters one day I want to see my father please very well you may but I can let you go only for 10 days. 

At the end of the 10th day you must return beauty accepted and went on her family was happy to see her days passed the tenth day ended beauty decided to stay one more day that night she dreamt that the beast was dying she was so frightened by the dream that the next day morning she returned to the palace. 

Hello I'm back there was no answer she rushed to the garden she found the beast lying down oh beast don't die you are so kind and I love you you may be ugly but I can see goodness in that also with these words the beast changed to handsome prince ho I am prince Michael an old fairy turned me into a beast for I was often cruel to animals that looked ugly the spell could be broken only when someone loved me in spite of my ugly appearance and you beauty you did love this beast.

Michael and beauty were married at once beauty's father and sisters came to live with them and they all lived happily thereafter

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