
Long ago there lived a poor old craftsman named Jack who lived all alone. Jack was a very nice man and he spent his life making toys for children how I wish I had a child of my own. So he made a doll from a piece of fresh soft pine a blue winged fairy wanted to reward Jack for his good heart.

She waved a magic van and the little puppet came alive wow you are the finest puppet I have ever made I will call you Pinocchio after a few days Jack felt that Pinocchio should go to school. So he sold his only coat and bought Pinocchio a book to be like a real boy you must go to school now be on your way goodbye father on his way Pinocchio met a sly fox my friend real boys don't want school they want to sail across to runaway island where they can have fun and play all day maybe I could sell a ticket for you but I do not have money with me.

You can give me your school book Pinocchio sold his book happily he was going to be a real boy and have fun suddenly the blue winged fairy appeared Pinocchio why aren't you going to school I am on my way to school and with that big lie Pinocchio nose began to grow longer and longer Pinocchio began to cry.

You said a lie beneath you whenever you tell a lie your nose will become big I'm sorry I promised to be a good boy and go straight to school the fairy forgave him with the sweep of a wand.

She got back the old nose and before leaving she warned him remember one thing my boy runaway island is not a safe place for children if you go there you would become a donkey but Pinocchio  was not ready to listen to a words without thinking about his father or the fairy he went to the runaway island.

At first it was a wonderful place to live in there were games everywhere sweets and no one to stop Pinocchio from what he was doing. After a day of fun he was too tired and he stopped by a lake tourist he dipped his hand into the water for a drink he saw his reflection oh that's not me what has happened to my ears and nose how did I get this tail he had grown long ears long nose and a tail like a donkey help somebody help me.

Once again the blue winged fairy appeared foolish puppet did I not tell you that runaway island is not a safe place now go find your poor father who waves for you with a wave of a wand the fairy made the donkey ears long nose and tail to disappear.

She sent him down to the sea show where Pinocchio drowning father I'm here thinking only off his father Pinocchio jumped into the water and saved his father pineapple nerf do you realize that being a real person means loving and caring for others your true love for your father has rewarded you.

Yes Pinocchio was not anymore a puppet made of soft pine but of flesh blood and bone at last my wishes come true Pinocchio lived with his father happily thereafter.

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