The White Elephant

Long years ago in a small village Myanmar there lived a potter and a washer man. The potter named James was a very lazy person. Jerry, the washer man was hardworking and clever. Potter know washer man is earning good amount of money I am really feeling jealous.

One day the king of Myanmar said I want a white elephant even though I have many great elephants a white elephant will bring luck I wish I wound one you think. who learned this let me use this opportunity and trouble you now he went to the king ah my lord Jerry the washer man will wash your grail even till it turns to white quite.

Interesting go and call him it's king's order my lord please tell me what should I do you have to wash my gray elephant to white. Jerry was shocked but he immediately guessed James was behind this. It should be his idea. "My Lord, I need a huge pot to wash the elephant. I believe only potter James can accomplish that, is that right?" Jerry enquired.

So okay I will order you thing to make a big pot that's it when you think heard this what a pot to wash an elephant there was no other go but to make a pot you think started to make a pot after a month your name take this part.

Jerry tried to answer the elephant but it broke what is this James you should have made a thicker pot than this go bring me another board which is thicker all right again he toiled hard to make a thicker pot you take this part this time the elephant entered the pot thank god this time it's a success what next come on start washing your naan you know did not find words to speak after thinking for few moments okay my lord.

I need some water to pour in this pot and boil it he asked the guards to build an enormous fire under the pot add some more wood after long hours Jerry tested the water my lord the water is still cold what I cannot wait why it is not getting hot what is the reason my lord the pot is too thick it will take many days for the butter to get hot if it is like this guess how many days will it take to boil stop stop you think.

I order you to make another pot oh my god he worked for many months and made many pots but not even one part was fit king god furious hmm James has fooled me I'm ordering him to leave this country immediately ask him to leave.

At once I don't want white elephant anymore James sadly left the country and Jerry lived happily and peacefully.

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