The Woodcutter and Axe Story


One day a poor woodcutter went to cut the wood from the trees of the adjacent forest while cutting the wood he lost the grip on his axe and the axe fell down into the river flowing by the tree. The tired wood cutter tried to search for a long time but the axe vanished in the deep river water. 

The axe was the only support for the poor woodcutter and he had lost that too the woodcutter sat on the bank of the river and began crying hearing his cry.

God felt pity over him. The god appeared before him and promised him to bring his axe back. God dived the river water after a few moments when the god returned a gold axe was there in her hand.

God asked the woodcutter is this your axe no it's not my axe. God dived again and returned with the silver axe in his hand this must be your axe no it's not my axe my axe was made of iron god.

God entered into the water again and the next moment god returned with the crude iron axe is this your axe.

Yes this is mine scream the woodcutter with happiness impressed. With the poor woodcutter's honesty God presented him both the gold and silver axe. As his reward for honesty the woodcutter returned to his home happily.

Moral of the story is: 

Honesty Is The Best Policy

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