

In a village lived a kind woman who had no children she wanted to have a child she decided to go and see the witch who gave her a seed to plant. 

So the women planted the seed in the garden few days later a magical flower sprang up the flower opened and inside was the loveliest and tiniest blond-eared girl no bigger than the woman's thumb the woman named Thumbelina. 

One day as she was playing on the table an ugly frog jumped in ah what a beautiful girl she would make a fine bride for my son he took the cradle with Thumbelina in it and hopped off to a nearby stream my son look at the bride I have brought for you the two frogs left Thumbelina and happily to make arrangements for the wedding Thumbelina was scared now a butterfly flying by saw Thumbelina don't worry I will help you he pulled her by a rant and carried her to a far away land filled with flowers. 

The butterfly turned around to pick up a flower for Thumbelina a black winged beetle flying over noticed earth what a remarkable creature I will take her home with me he swooped down and carried her to a forest his friends gathered around and looked at Thumbelina look at that ugly creature it has only two legs so the beetle center away poor Thumbelina wandered alone in the forest. 

She stumbled over a small hole in the ground who's there an old field mouse came out dude come inside before you catch cold the mouse became very friendly with Thumbelina offered a house to stay you must keep my house clean and tell stories at tea time for me and my neighbor Mr. Mole. 

At that instant Mr. Mole came in he took a great liking towards Thumbelina one morning come on let's take a walk by the new tunnel Mr. Mole took the mouse and Thumbelina down the tunnel passage on the way they laid a swallowed frozen oh my poor bird leave him he's anyway going to die but Thumbelina came back to the bird covered him with a green blanket. 

I will take care of you till you become strong enough to fly every day Thumbelina took some wheat grain and wattle to the swallow and fed him meanwhile Mr. Mole expressed his wish to marry Thumbelina oh Thumbelina I'm so happy for you Thumbelina refused to marry the mole but the mouse insisted that she must let me see my swallow for the last time. 

She ran out to see a friend but the swallow wasn't lying there anymore it was already flying Thumbelina Thumbelina sit on my back and I will take you away Thumbelina joyfully climbed on his back and he flew to a magical land of flowers Thumbelina looked around and noticed a young handsome man nearby the eyes met and they fell in love instantly I am the king of daisies will you be my queen the king's subjects flew to Thumbelina and presented her with a pair of wings that fitted her perfectly the couple then got married.

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