Aladdin And His Magic Lamp

Aladdin a poor young man found an old lamp in the forest as it was dirty he rubbed the lamp to clean it to his surprise smoke came out of the lamp and then came a big giant.

Aladdin was shocked don't get scared master I am genie I'm here to help you sir what can I do for you how can I believe this giant let me ask I'm hungry can you get me food now.

The next moment varieties of food appeared before Aladdin he was surprised yet he wanted to test the genie my house is small can you build a big house for me his small house became a big palace is this palace fine master or can I make a better one wonderful palace thank you genie. My pleasure master.

Aladdin lived happily with his mother one day he told his mother he would like to marry the princess the king may not accept for this wedding but let me try we should take something to give the king Aladdin rubbed the lamp and the genie came hey genie I want you to give me something that impresses the king yes master here take this plate of precious stones which the king would not have seen.

Aladdin's mother gave precious stones to the king he was surprised to see the precious stones and said I would marry my daughter to your son if you could get me 40 more plates like this Aladdin's mother went home sadly and told Aladdin about the king's order.

Aladdin rubbed the lamp immediately and the genie what's my job master get me 40 more plates of precious stones genie here master your 40 plates Aladdin married the princess giving 40 plates of precious stones to the king genie helped Aladdin with whatever he wanted. So the all lived Happily.

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