Alibaba And Forty Thieves


In the big city of Persia lived Alibaba a poor wood cutter. One day while he was cutting wood in the forest he saw a few horsemen carrying heavy sacks with them they stopped near a cave when one of them said open the door sesame a big rock covering a cave opened.

All the thieves entered inside and returned with empty sacks close the doors. So same the door closed and the men went in with their horses Alibaba wanted to know what the men carried in the sacks.

He chanted the magic words wow gold dwells and coins I think they must be the thieves they have used this cave to store their loot let me take some of these Alibaba carried as much gold dwells and points as he could and came home.

Salima did you see what I brought you today wow beautiful jewels but how did he get them Alibaba narrated the whole story they became rich and lived happily. 

One day the thieves found that their dwells were at Alibaba's house they wanted to play a trick and rob them back. One of the thieves posing like a merchant came to Alibaba's house "hello sir my name is Mustafa I am an oil merchant I have 39 drums of oil can I stay for tonight in your home".

Please sure you can relax in this room sir. When Alibaba went to bed he was surprised to see the drum shaking on its own he opened the drum oh a man inside the drum Alibaba closed it immediately it must be the thieves inside the drum as Alibaba's house was the top of the hill Alibaba and his wife pushed all the drums into the ocean Alibaba lived happily ever after.

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