Genie in the Jar


Once there lived a kind fisherman. One day when he cast his net into the sea he found a huge brass jar wow it's a valuable job I could sell it for one gold coin suddenly the fishermen heard a strange voice "can anyone hear me please let me out please let me out". 

The fisherman was surprised to hear the voice and found that it came from inside the jar when he opened the lid out hey who are you what do you want "I, the huge genie, would want to consume you, small guy". 

Oh my god but I didn't do any mistake. I was inside this jar for over a thousand years I feel very hungry. I helped you come out so please leave me. 

The ungrateful genie was not ready to leave the fishermen the fishermen thought of an idea to escape okay genie before you eat me I want you to clear my doubt "silly say what's your doubt".

I can't believe that someone as large as you can fit into the small jar "don't you believe that I lived in the jar for over a thousand years here". I show you the foolish. genie went back into the jar now the fisherman was very quick in closing the lid of the jar and he escaped from the giant then throwing the jar back into the sea.

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