The Bull And The Donkey


Once upon a time, there lived a merchant who could understand animal language. One day, he overheard a bull and a donkey talking to each other.

My dear friend you are very lucky though your work is less you get good food and a clean place to live. I work harder it gets dry further to eat my shed is also not clean tears drop from the bull's eyes.

What a pity my friend listen tomorrow when the herdsmen come to take you pretend to be ill and do not eat fodder this would bring you happiness. The merchant intended to discipline the donkey.

The next day as the bull pretended to be ill. The donkey was taken to the field the donkey felt tired at the end of the day. He regretted for his advice to the wolf thanks for your advice my friend I enjoyed the day I am going to repeat the same tomorrow no no if you repeat the same you will be sold to the butcher oh is it then I won't do that again.

The master laughed at the donkey's behavior. The bull never again refused to work.

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